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Reporting from the front lines
Ask University of Washington alumna Alex Quade to describe a memorable moment from her journalism career, and she will quickly rattle off half a dozen. There was the time a Green Beret gunner needed her to help feed more ammunition into his .50-caliber machine gun during a firefight. Or the time she filmed a special combat engineer […]
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Former Sec. Defense Robert Gates gives kudos to Alex Quade’s ‘Danger Close’
SWJ Review by Dave Maxwell Using actual combat footage by an embedded journalist and that captured from the enemy it tells the … [Read More...]
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Alex Quade Covers Special Forces Calling A-10/F-16 Airstrikes In Iraq
War Reporter, Alex Quade, embedded with Special Forces Operational Detachment Teams in Diyala Province, Iraq, as they called in … [Read More...]
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Alex Quade’s Interview w/Medal of Honor Col. Roger Donlon
War Reporter Alex Quade's special interview with legendary Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient Col.Roger Donlon. For more info: … [Read More...]

‘Chinook Down’ the trailer
The winner of a Society of Professional Journalists award, and the American Legion Award Fourth Estate Award, watch the trailer for "Chinook Down" … [Read More...]

Alex Quade Covers B1-Bs & Apaches/Task Force Fury
War Reporter, Alex Quade, embedded with Task Force Fury in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, as they called in airstrikes with B1-Bs and close combat attack with Apache helicopters in 2007. … [Read More...]

Alex Quade: Behind The Stories Of Spec Ops
War reporter Alex Quade takes you behind the stories of Special Operations. She shares more personal stories and challenges behind her Edward R. Murrow Award-winning work covering Special Operations Forces in combat. Extreme storytelling and silent risk-taking … [Read More...]