Former Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates.
SWJ Review by Dave Maxwell
Using actual combat footage by an embedded journalist and that captured from the enemy it tells the story of not only an American Special Forces Sergeant and his family, it represents all American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines and provides the American people a glimpse of the full spectrum of emotions that come with service to the nation and loss of a comrade in arms. See the trailer HERE.
Culled from over 300 hours of combat footage from Alex Quade’s years spent in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan the unscripted and unfiltered view of combat is unlike anything you see in theatrical features. It is real. This is a film for all who seek to understand the deep ties among American military personnel and the bonds that develop in small units in combat.
While this film is centered on a single Special Forces Sergeant, the late Staff Sergeant Rob Pirelli, it is not a film exclusively about Special Forces. It follows paratroopers from the 508th PIR of the 82d Airborne, cavalrymen from Alaska, Air Force airmen flying AC-130 gunships, B-2s, F-15s, F-16s, A-10s, and JTACs controlling fires, as well as other Army forces to include Chinook, Blackhawk, and Apache helicopter crews. In addition to ground combat footage it also incorporates footage from aircraft cameras to include forward-looking infrared radar (FLIR) views of combat operations. I am no film expert but I would guess that film editors will be impressed and envious when they see how ground, air, and enemy combat footage are expertly edited in a way that allows the story to be told and understood visually. There is no CGI or other film tricks. The combat scenes are compelling as are the scenes of Staff Sgt. Pirelli’s family. It is real.
But do not take my word on this. Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates had this to say about the film:
Danger Close” is a gripping story of courage, loss and love as we witness first-hand graphic portrayals of combat operations and a dedicated journalist’s determination to bring closure to the family of a soldier killed in action. The courage of the troops in action — and of the embedded journalist — is evident, as is the deep sense of loss over an admired comrade. The story is a needed reminder of the many sacrifices of our men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the brave journalists who accompanied them into battle.”
Read the full story at Small Wars Journal.